Daisy puts her wheels up

My dear old car Daisy has retired. She was diagnosed with a terminal
rusty bottom last week, so with a heavy heart I drove her through the
roads of Derbyshire to the old cars' home.

I breathed a gentle goodbye, my breath misting the speedometer, gave her an affectionate pat on the bonnet and left her in the sunshine with her new friends.

Realised when I got home I'd left my special, don't need to turn my neck when driving, parabolic mirror in Daisy. Off to collect it today.

My drive looks so empty.


  1. Goodbye Daisy.... :-) Are you buying another one?

  2. There's an ancient VW polo with my name on it. It's arriving at the garage tomorrow. The people who own it are trading up to a merc (how the other half live) but might decide to keep it. Fingers crossed they don't.

    1. All my very best for you and your new old car. Will it be Daisy number 2.

      My car are always known as Arthur... No sure why, but at one time I was in love with anything Arthrian.

    2. Hi Paula, I've just got the new old car and I think it's called Bryony after the lead character in my book. Her surname is Winkleweed (she's a Faerie), the last three letters of the number plate are WKL. I like the idea of keeping an old name going though too.

  3. aawww... don't feel sad...!!! think about all the good memories you had with her...!!! :) :)

    1. yes, Reflections, you're right ... easy parking, low insurance, driving Miss Betty Dog into the countryside : )


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