good news and bad news

The good news: I’ve just finished Taranor, my first novel!  It’s a Faerie fantasy story cowritten with my good friend John Raybould.  When we’ve edited and polished it until it’s shiny and perfect, we’ll send it to a publisher.

We’re trying to decide whether paper publishing or e- publishing is best for us.  More research is needed.  As far as I understand it, a paper publisher will do a lot of the marketing for you but you get a smaller percentage, with e- publishing you have to do all the work but you get around 70% of the price of the book. 

I think my preferred choice would be a paper publisher who also does e-publishing.  I’ve got no marketing experience, and my limited physical abilities mean that I can't do talks at libraries, travel the country telling people how wonderful this book is and spend hours on the internet, running websites and multiple blogs.

for YA to adult
Bryony, an insecure teenage Faerie girl with anger management problems, sets out on a quest to rescue her childhood friend, Sheean, a nice but dim Faerie lad, who is being held captive in the human realm by witchcraft and thick castle walls. Once he reaches the age of eighteen an evil King hopes to drink the boy’s blood to obtain immortality.  Bryony goes to live among mortals, aging as fast as they do, while keeping her true identity hidden. She is ill equipped for the job. She is young, high maintenance, has no fear of risk and her temper threatens her safety at every turn.

The bad news: three weeks ago I was travelling home with friends from a writing group when an idiot in a car undercut us on the left (illegal in England) and forced us into an emergency stop.  There was something on the news a little while ago about people doing this.  The idea is to irritate the driver, to create a scene, and then to stop suddenly, making the innocent party slam into the back of the perpetrator who then claims insurance.

I'm still in a really bad way. Some days I feel as though I'm recovering, but then other days I can hardly move and even lifting a cup of tea is painful.  I just wish people would think about the consequences of their actions.  For some, a mild bumper dent gives them neck ache for a day.  For me, simply braking hard creates pain for weeks, if not months… if not years.  I was beginning to improve from my last setback three years ago, but now I feel right back to square one.

I'm trying to stay positive about this, but of course my meditation experiment is hardly relevant right now.  Or then again, maybe it still is.  Every day I lie down for 30 to 45 minutes and practise staying in the present moment, simply breathing. Even though my thoughts intrude a lot, I still find it very relaxing. 

Ignorant people and pain will not be enough to stop me achieving my goal.
One day I will go into a bookshop and see my own words in print. Or on someone’s kindle : )



  1. Gosh Helen, I'm sorry so to hear want happened to you. I had the same thing happen about a year ago. The guy proudly told me he'd had 9 accidents in 10 years of driving while I had been driving for 25 years and it was the first I'd had. He just stop dead in first of me and I wasn't even travelling fast as I'd pulled out of a car park and checked the road we were pulling onto, so why he'd stopped I don't know. The sad thing was my car came off the worst where his car suffered no damage.

    Good luck with your book. It's a hard choice to make. At the moment I don't know which route to take myself as a friend of mine is doing very well with her book on Kindle.

  2. Thanks Jamara,
    I'm so sorry it happened to you too, I hope you weren't too badly injured. My life has been physically wrecked by 2 previous accidents (1987 and 1991) caused by others. Like you, I've never caused one in my driving life of 30 years.
    re kindle or paper publishing I'm going to ask an ex publisher friend of mine what he thinks. Are you with a paper based publisher?

    1. Lucky I wasn't hurt, just my pride, but it made me cross to think it pushes up the cost of running a car. As I live in the countryside if I need to get about it cost a lot of money to run a car and we have two as my husband needs one for work.

      I haven't got a publisher or agent yet, so far I've only had short stories and articles published. I'm hoping to finish three novels and a pocket novel this year. I'm so sorry to hear about your other accidents, good luck with your book and I will be very interested to know what your publisher friend has to say.

  3. Sorry to hear about your problems - hope they can be sorted and overcome reasonably well and swiftly.

    Great to hear about the book though - well done! Getting a novel completed is a real achievement. Best wishes for the polishing and eventual publication.

  4. Thank you Patsy,
    I'm so thrilled to have finally finished the first draft. Thank you for taking a look at my blog. I'm new to blogging, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it and enjoying making new friends this way.

  5. Hello Helen. I'm new to your blog and am looking forward to following it. I wish you all the best with your book. I like your attitude and I'm sure the good Karma you make will come back to you tenfold. :-)

    1. Thanks Diane, it's great to meet you. Thank you for your support.

  6. It happens to us cyclists too, Helen! Hope the meditation still helps. The short synopsis you've given us sounds good. Hope to see you soon.

    1. It must be even worse for cyclists...I'll be in touch soon about Scribes, they're finding a date for you to come and talk about your success : )

  7. Wishing you success with your publishing ventures, Helen. So sorry to read of your scary incident and hope your aches and pains go away soon.

    Janice x

  8. Hi Helen and thank you for following my blog. Well done on finishing that first draft. I admire anyone who can do that. I hope your present troubles will soon be resolved. Hang on to those dreams!

    1. Hi Joanne, thanks for your encouragement. Writing the next few words to any story is what gets me out of bed in the morning. It feels great to have finished.

  9. Hi Helen, thanks for following my blog, I'm now following yours too. I once had a lorry crash into the back of us. He was far too close, and he shunted me on a roundabout. The horrible man kept coming to our house and wanted the whole event hushed up. I carried on as normal, but get bad neck ache now. Relaxing baths with lavender oil help, and gentle excercise. Good luck with your novel, it sounds exciting.

    1. Hi Suzy, that sounds really scary. I'm sorry your neck still hurts. My original accidents were many years ago and I have developed chronic myofascial pain syndrome as a result. Still, I can still write and may one day write about my journey out of pain. thanks for following.

  10. I'm sorry that those things happened to you. But congrats on finishing your book! I'm excited for you.

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog Gina. I just read your recent post. You are a true hero! Very brave.


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